Division or Discussion?

In my concentric circle of contacts of Christian brothers I have found much division on the subject of the Atonement.

Please notice that I said “Brothers.” I do not think one should question one’s salvation on the basis of whether one ascribes to a Limited or Unlimited Atonement.

I personally believe in a Limited Atonement. I believe that Christ’s death actually Accomplishes and secures the salvation of all who believe the Gospel.

I share the Gospel with everyone with no exclusion trusting the Spirit of God to make Christ known to whom He pleases.

However, I believe those that the Father has given to Christ will come to Christ (John 6:37a).

I have some concerns on both sides. I don’t think it is Christ-like to think less of a brother because he might not understand what you understand, especially when we say that only the Spirit of God gives spiritual understanding.

I don’t think it is appropriate or Christ-like to demean someone for this lack of understanding.

The good news of God’s free and sovereign grace does not produce arrogance and mean spirits.

I believe it produces humilty patience and love.

Now there are those on the other side who make statements like it doesn’t matter and they don’t divide but they want discuss.

I say to those please be cautious with those type of statements. Truth does matter if indeed Christ matters, for He declared that He is the truth (John 14:6).

Those who are faithful to sound exposition must preach the whole counsel of God’s word.

Many question why even preach on such a subject, just preach Christ. They don’t see a practical relevance. I say in loving response to that, there is much practical relevance. Why Preach on Limited Atonement?

1. It magnifies the work of Christ because it presents an atonement that is a finished work not a possiblity.

2. It give hope in evangelism because when we evangelize we know that Christ is actually saving not potentially.

3. It ministers gloriously to the believer’s assurance because the believer can find assurance in an actual completed work that is particular rather than general.

4. It deepens a believer’s love for the Lord when properly understood what Christ has done for them. Love is magnified in a deeper since of appreciation when love has a particular object.

5. It enables us to offer a truly finished work. Which ampliflies Grace and diminishes human works.

It is my honest desire not to see brothers divided and treat one another like enemies or something less because of a theological position. It is also my desire to see brothers open the Scripture and discuss theological positions and trust the Spirit of God to give illumination.

Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity. (Psalm 133:1)